Online IEEE Entrepreneurship Workshop for Latin American
countries (May 2021)
Dr. Surya Raghu was the director of an online
Entrepreneurship Workshop for Scientists and Engineers from Latin America conducted
by IEEE Entrepreneurship in collaboration with IEEE Panama conducted its first
online Workshop for Scientists & Engineers from Latin America during the
month of May 2021. 22 participants from
Panama, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru and Chile attended the sessions two days (Tue/Thu)
a week for 4 weeks and learned about the various aspects of taking an idea to
the market. Several speakers (include
names in linked-in) with experience in start-ups provided valuable insights
into development of ideas, market analysis, intellectual property, finance,
sales and marketing and resources available in Latin America for
start-ups. Relevant needs of the market
were addressed by these teams in the areas of water, agriculture, mobile
worktable and environment-friendly craft beer production.